“We are accepting bookings for Bi-Annual Winter edition of LuxuryHotels Magazine.
Published dates:August 2019 for 6 months Edition
And an Annual Edition of in-house Magazine for the Royal Apollonia Hotel : Published dates September 2019”

Boundary Shoreditch

Luxury Boundary Shoreditch transcends the ordinary, offering a seamless blend of elegance, comfort, and extravagance. With its diverse range of luxury rooms and villas, exceptional dining options, rejuvenating Spa and Wellness center, and an array of high-end facilities, the hotel redefines what it means to experience luxury in the heart of London. So, if you're seeking an unforgettable getaway that encapsulates the essence of sophistication, look no further Luxury Boundary Shoreditch is where your dreams of opulence come to life.

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