“We are accepting bookings for Bi-Annual Winter edition of LuxuryHotels Magazine.
Published dates:August 2019 for 6 months Edition
And an Annual Edition of in-house Magazine for the Royal Apollonia Hotel : Published dates September 2019”


Luxury ELITE SEEF RESIDENCE & HOTEL stands as a beacon of opulence in the heart of Bahrain's Seef Area. With its meticulously designed accommodations, culinary delights, spa and wellness retreat, and beachfront bliss, it redefines the concept of luxury hotels. Every aspect of this establishment reflects a commitment to providing guests with an unforgettable experience steeped in elegance and indulgence. For those seeking a rendezvous with unparalleled luxury, the Luxury ELITE SEEF RESIDENCE & HOTEL beckons, promising an escape into a world of refined extravagance.

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